I bought a Raspberry Pi 5 and decided to set up a tiny home server.
Raspberry Pi 5
The Raspberry Pi 5 is a single-board computer developed by the Raspberry Pi Foundation. It is the successor to the Raspberry Pi 4 and offers improved performance and connectivity options.
Cute right?
Server Setup
I installed the latest version of Raspberry Pi OS. It is running Debian-based Linux and is optimized for the Raspberry Pi hardware.
Pi-hole is truly miraculous. It is a network-wide ad blocker that improves your browsing experience by blocking ads, trackers, and malware at the DNS level. I installed Pi-hole on my Raspberry Pi to block ads on all devices connected to my home network. I had some difficulty with the router from my ISP, it looks like it does not have any options at all, poorly designed.
Fortunately, I found an extra router at home and set it up as a bridge to my ISP router. I configured the new router to use Pi-hole as the primary DNS server. Now, all devices connected to my home network are benefiting from ad blocking.
If you want to set up your own and struggling with static IP, you can follow this guide.
I tried to setup PiVPN to access my home network securely from anywhere. Unfortunately, seems like my router is outdated and not supporting port forwarding. I will have to upgrade my router to make it work.
Note: I will update this post once I have something new to share about my tiny home server setup.